Taking initiative

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead
Why does proactivity matter?
Proactive people don’t accept the world as it is or wait for direction from others to initiate change. Instead, they take matters into their own hands, acting to make the world better for themselves and others. They speak truth to power, take charge to solve problems, and champion new ideas. For instance, there’s evidence that proactivity is one of the qualities that distinguished the greatest American presidents from their peers. And there’s also evidence that it’s a trait you can develop.
Pulse Check
Think about yourself. How many of these things are true?
- I am always looking for better ways of doing things.
- I love to challenge the status quo.
- I enjoy being a champion for ideas, even against opposition.
- I like to be the one to take initiative.
How do I encourage proactivity in others?
Model it. When something isn’t working, question why. Replace “that’s the way we’ve always done it” with “what if we tried it a different way?” For example, if you think your street could use sprucing up, organize a block cleanup or a neighborhood flower planting.
Celebrate it. Applaud proactivity when you see it to help others recognize the behavior and associate it with a positive response: “I love how you dive into projects ahead of schedule and bring people together—I think you could organize a meeting of the American Association of Anarchists!”
Enable it. Invite young people to point out problems even if they don’t have a solution. Ask a question and give everyone in the room a chance to answer, so they all have a voice. Criticize yourself out loud, which shows people you’re open to being challenged.
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Wiring for Resilience

Leading Questions

Room to Improve

Mind the Gap

Seeing Is Believing

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Character is more than just proactivity.
There are many other strengths of heart, mind, and will.